Sunday, May 11, 2008


Has anyone seen the reality TV show "John & Kate plus 8"? It's a really good show about a couple who has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets. It's the best form of birth control ever. I'm not even kidding. If you're thinking of having unprotected sex, watch this show for five minutes. It will scare you into abstinence.


I ran 10K yesterday and was once again reminded of how old and out of shape I am. The day was pretty much a write off. I went out for my friend's birthday last night and had to have my friends help me walk down the stairs at the end of the night. Not because I was drunk, or even tipsy, but because I couldn't work my legs. I literally couldn't bend my knees after sitting for a couple of hours and apparently you need to be able to do that when walking down stairs.


I'm sick again. I guess it's about time to go to the doctor and see why I keep getting chest infections every month. I'm getting pretty tired of them. I'm tired of being out of commission for weeks at a time. Especially when the season of sports is just beginning. If I miss out on ANYTHING I'm going to be pissed.


Anonymous said...

I love John & Kate Plus 8!! Honestly, it is a sick little obsession of mine. If it is one, I have to watch it. It makes me want to have kids - just not 8 at once!! Shawn wants a ball team... I do not.

notquiteawake said...

It seriously makes me want to never have kids ever. Ever. But I still love it.

tee said...

The scariest part is in the opening credits where you can see her belly wrapped up in cling wrap. Anything that requires parts of your body to be held together by saran wrap can't be good. Count me out, sextuplets are for suckers.