Monday, November 2, 2009

The week of nothing

This week was supposed to be a really busy week. Sunday was the day of the big move away from the upstairs crazies. I had taken this morning off so the cable and internet guys could come in, then I was to meet up with the gals from work for a birthday lunch. I had taken Tuesday night off, which is my actual birthday, because I had arranged a birthday supper for me and a group of friends. The rest of the week was packed with my normal clients plus the clients I had to fit in from Monday morning and Tuesday night PLUS I had to get my court case together which was to happen on Friday.

And then I got sick.

Thursday I felt shitty, Friday I felt shittier, so Saturday I went to the doctor. I told him my symptoms and he told me that they were all symptoms of H1N1 which he was sure that I had. He said he would test me if I wanted but 99% of those tested with my symptoms came back positive for the Swine Flu. He also said I needed to stay away from people for 7 days from when I first started feeling sick and I especially shouldn't go to work because of my close interaction with my clients.

But I'm supposed to move on Sunday, I said. And it's my birthday. And I'm poor. I can't afford to not work for a week. I can't even afford to not work for a day.

It's up to you, he said. But I would highly recommend not moving or working until you've been better for 48 hours. At least.

So, I fought back tears, took the prescription, got the medication and some really expensive food from the pharmacy, and went home. And that's where I've been since then.

Things have so far worked out though. I contacted my asshole landlord saying that I wasn't going to be moving until the following Saturday and he really wasn't an asshole at all. He said my health was the most important thing and to let him know if I needed anything. I thought that was nice. I re-booked the U-Haul and most of the people who were going to help me move still can, with a couple of new additions. The cable people are coming on Sunday. The internet will have to wait a week but maybe I can steal someone else's in the meantime. My parents are going to lend me the money that will be missing from my paycheque. And now I have time to get my court case together so I will really kick ass on Friday. The only really crappy thing is I had to cancel both my birthday lunch and supper but I'm sure I'll live.

The best part though, has been all the well wishes and offers of help. My fever finally broke Sunday morning and I woke up literally soaking wet which was super gross but I also woke up to tonnes of emails and Facebook messages and phone calls from people asking how I was and asking if I needed anything. I even had one friend bring over some toilet paper because I had forgotten to get some when I was at the store. It's really been awesome. Being sick sucks and I feel like garbage but, whenever I feel lonely or down, I'm always going to think about this week and how many people were there for me when I needed them. It's a nice feeling.

And now a brief lecture: Don't go to work when you're sick. Especially now. It doesn't make you a hero. Also, cover your mouth when you cough. I actually had to ask a grown woman in the pharmacy who was coughing all over the soup to please cover her mouth for the love of god what's wrong with you you're an adult for crying out loud. KIDS cover their mouth. Most of them even use their arm like we're being told. She actually looked at me like it was something she never had really even considered. Now I'm not saying to join the panic in the streets about the Swine Flu and I'm not even saying go get vaccinated (if it was actually available) because I don't really care. All I'm saying is if you have flu symptoms don't go to work. And cover your mouth. That's it. Because this really isn't that fun and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Anyhoo, now I'm going to ask for your help! As I noted above, tomorrow is my birthday. Normally I really love birthdays. I love getting gifts and having cake and blowing out candles. I love the entire day being all about me even if it's just all in my head. When I was at home my mom would cook me whatever I wanted and make me whatever cake I wanted and, whenever I wasn't living at home, I would always go out for a birthday supper or birthday drinks or whatever. And to top it all off, I would always throw a big themed birthday party for myself to celebrate even further. Tomorrow I obviously can't do any of those things. But, rather than feel sorry for myself which I am wont to do on occasion, I'm trying to think of something to do here alone that I wouldn't normally do that is sort of celebratory to make the day special. At first I thought I would make a really good meal but I don't really have a lot of food nor do I have a lot of energy to stand for a long length of time. Then I thought I would order take out but I don't have a lot of money. Or any money really. So then I thought I would just lay around all day watching movies and eating cookies and chocolate but that's basically what I've been doing for the past 3 days so it wouldn't be that special. So, give me some ideas! What can I do?! You guys are smart.



Anonymous said...

After you said that eating chocolate was out, I ran out of ideas. And if you don't have a pet monkey, then you can't do any of the other things I was going to tell you to do either, because they all require owning a pet monkey.

I would at least order some take out, just don't order everything on the menu and I bet it won't be too expensive :)

pendant mini lights said...

I agree do take out!