I've had jaw problems for about 10 years. Ever since I got my wisdom teeth pulled, I've had problems with my jaw making cracking noises and locking when I sleep. It's pretty awesome. Usually in the morning I'd wake up, realize my jaw wouldn't open all the way, wiggle it around a bit until it snapped into place, and carried on my merry way. One morning it wouldn't wiggle into place. It still hasn't a year and a half later. Now my mouth only opens half way. This kind of creates a problem because not only does it hurt constantly and cause headaches and sinus pain, but I also can't eat a lot of things that I like. And I like eating a lot of things. I can't eat apples or carrots or anything hard. I can't eat sandwiches or hamburgers or anything that requires that I open my mouth more than half way. I can't eat toffee or anything chewie. I shouldn't chew gum but I do. I'll only chew it for about 5 minutes though before I have to spit it out. It's kind of a pain in the ass. Plus it hurts all the time. Did I mention that? It hurts all the time.
Anyhoo, my dentist finally sent me to to a jaw specialist in another city and he told me that I had TMG which I knew already and that it's pretty much too far gone to fix. He also said that you can't really fix TMG, even with surgery, as your jaw could easily slip out of place again. I knew all this so I wasn't that disheartened. What I really wanted to know was if the pain could be eased at all. He said maybe I could try a few things that might work maybe but they might not work as well. Maybe. I'm really glad I paid $200.00 for his expertise.
One of the things he said might work maybe was to get a jaw guard made to wear when I sleep. So I went and got the impressions made. I was a bit worried because I have problems sleeping without having something in my mouth but I thought I'd give it a shot. It was a soft mouth guard so it shouldn't be that bad. If it helps my jaw then it's worth it.
I went to pick it up on Saturday and when I tried it on(in?)I instantly knew we weren't going to be friends. Is it supposed to be uncomfortable I asked? Yes. Great. I took it home and put it on the kitchen table. That's where it sat on Saturday night. I was tired on Saturday so I thought I'd give it a shot Sunday night when I was well rested. On Sunday night it stayed in my mouth for about 2 minutes. Not only was it uncomfortable, but it made a disgusting spit-sucking sound which I couldn't stand. My husband suggested that I try intervals. Maybe the next night I could try 5 minutes and work my way from there? The next night I couldn't even take it out of the plastic box. At the moment, I would rather have a sore jaw. I am truly a princess. If I can make it through and entire night it will be a miracle. Good thing I'm also going to be trying physio.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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I also had an ortho apt. in which he said my jaw is deteriorating. Something about breastfeeding when I was a baby and the cock-up my previous ortho did to me in high school. Solution? Braces. Again. For two more years.
Fuck braces. I did braces.
I do need a night guard. But not from that used car salesman. Which ortho did you go to?
I also suffer from TMJ. Latest solution - braces as well - except the awesome part about that is I can't afford them! So no go for me. If I was creative I would now compose a fun song about giving your appliance a chance...but I'm not so I won't.
I went to Dr. Colbenson(sp?) in Saskatoon. I was referred to him by my dentist, Dr. Mang, here in Regina. I honestly wish I had gotten braces as a kid. Maybe I wouldn't be having so many problems now. Or maybe I would.
Lyn and I are both in physio for our jaw issues. Lyn is well on her way to TMJ and I'm a grinder/clencher. I have the sexy nightguard. It's horrid, but helps eventually. Get referred to Rachel at Bourassa Assoc. She's great.
I wore the night guard for 5 minutes last night. I'm hoping for 10 tonight. Baby steps....
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